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Schafhaltung im Solarpark


Agrivoltaics is the combination of solar systems with agricultural utilisation.

Two of the many advantages: Improved yields due to less environmental stress and less evaporation


The agrivoltaic systems are mounted on an open area. The height of the supporting structure is just over two metres.

The reason for this is very simple: the height ensures that further land utilisation is possible below the solar system. For example, chickens or cattle can be kept. However, the core use is as arable land. Whether berries, fruit or vegetables: the slight shading of the cultivation area means that significantly better harvest results are achieved during cultivation.

Why agricultural voltaics?

Due to the slight shading, the plants have less environmental stress and therefore grow better. In addition, the protective effect of the solar modules reduces evaporation, allowing the available water to go directly into plant growth. Tests by renowned institutes confirm exceptional yields.

Dual utilisation is forward-looking

The future of agriculture will develop more and more in favour of this use.

The dual utilisation of land for the production of food and energy offers a convincing solution for local security of supply.

What is needed?

The basis for agricultural utilisation is the availability of water. As already described, we bring the water quality to drinking water level through our filter technologies.

By investing in a photovoltaic system, we generate the necessary energy and can use the surplus to support development at the site.

With the high agricultural yields, we secure the local food supply and create options for the supra-regional market and export if the projects are large enough.