The problem
The climatic situation at a location is often not ideal for agriculture.
While in Central Europe too much precipitation, frost or hail often destroys entire harvests, for example in apple cultivation, in southern regions too much sun and too little water are two core problems.
Experts all over the world are looking for solutions. The experts for water are looking for their solutions, the experts for agriculture are looking for theirs and there are also experts worldwide for the energy issue.
What is often lacking, however, is cooperation between these experts to find an optimal concept for every region in the world.

The solution
We present our concept for a sustainable supply of water, food and energy for people.
This concept secures economic advantages, creates many sustainable jobs and opens up new perspectives for the respective location.
Our concept
Solutions for food security and prosperity
Double land use
Due to the slight shading of the cultivation area, significantly better harvest results are achieved during cultivation.
Less evaporation
The protective effect of the solar modules reduces evaporation. The available water can go directly into plant growth.
Protection from storms
The solar modules protect the ground better from bad weather.
Booster for sustainable development
Whether berries, fruit or vegetables, the slight shading of the cultivation area produces significantly better harvest results.
Tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and herbs can be harvested in much better quality.
Due to the slight shading, the plants have less environmental stress and therefore grow better. In addition, the protective effect of the solar modules reduces evaporation, allowing the available water to go directly into plant growth.
Tests by renowned institutes confirm exceptional yields.
The future of agriculture will develop more and more towards this use.
The dual use of the land for the production of food and energy offers a convincing solution for local security of supply.
What is needed?
The basis for agricultural use is the availability of water. We bring the water quality to drinking water level with our filter technologies. Whether well, river or sea water.
The photovoltaic system enables us to generate the required energy and use the surplus to promote development at the site.
With the high agricultural yields, we secure the local food supply and create options for the supra-regional market and export if the projects are large enough.
We are your partner for the future of agriculture and for sustainable development with the creation of additional jobs and sales revenue.
Viovia – Your partner for topics of the future
Our concept for the sustainable supply of people with water, food and energy ensures economic benefits, creates many sustainable jobs and opens up new prospects for the respective location.